星期三, 三月 08, 2017

Website Data Analysis

        Long time no update. Currently we checked our eBay hardware.center store traffic date, we found there're only few views from outside of the eBay. So we need study more to grove up the traffic firstly.

        With the large amount of data generated and easy to access, many web site analysts through the exchange of experts, social media, the same discussion and analysis of what kind of data to produce meaningful / valuable information.                       Although the website (flow) analysis data is massive (translator's note: UV UV/ more than 100 thousand days of the site log, order data, product data, membership data generated daily data is generally based on the unit of G raw data. ), but often also can easily lead to wrong conclusions (translator's note: a large amount of data that the data content, but if in the process of data collection or data itself is biased / not understand, it is easy to make a decision at the time of analysis is wrong). Since the execution of the JS code is in the client (the browser loads the page), there are many inherent errors that cannot be avoided unless you filter the data. In addition, if not data segments, so often top 10 and TOP 50 list each time will not be much change (change of translator's note: for a relatively stable flow of the company, ranking in front of a few little. So the analysis time, it is best to look at each of the following categories of TOP50, it is easier to find some data anomalies.
